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Child Care Assistance Program updates

During the 2023 ND legislative session, there were changes to the income qualified Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) and there was a new program established, named the Working Parents Child Care Relief Program. McKenzie Health was the first Watford City employer to enroll in that program. Employers can opt-in at either $150 or $300 per month (per employee) and the state matches the employers contribution, allowing either $300 or $600 monthly in childcare buydown of the employees. If you are a working parent or an employer looking for childcare assistance programs, click here to learn more about the Working Parent Child Care Program.

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My fiancé and I bought 5.2 acres here and have built a house…our business is doing well. We can't imagine leaving our friends we've made here. It's one of the most welcoming communities I've ever moved to.

~ Samantha Utshall

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