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Travel to Watford City


McKenzie County is located on the western edge of North Dakota bordering the state of Montana to the west. It is situated centrally between the Canadian border and the South Dakota border. Watford City is approximately 90 miles from the Canadian border, 145 from the South Dakota border and 50 miles from the Montana border.

Driving to Watford City

  • East or West on I-94: exit at Belfield, travel north approximate 67 miles until you reach Watford City.
  • East or West on Hwy 2: at Williston turn south on Hwy 85 and travel approximated 45 miles until you reach Watford City.
  • North or South on Hwy 83: turn west on Hwy 23 and travel approximately 120 miles until you reach Watford City.
Shuttle/Transportation Services
NW Dakota Public Transit          
Cheryl - 580-1099
Brian -580-2203
Rental car companies in Williston
Avis (airport) - 701-577-7151
Hertz Rent a Car (airport) - 701-580-2264
Dakota Car Rentals - 701-572-2883

Airport Information

The nearest commercial airports are located in the following surrounding communities:

Sloulin Field International Airport (50 miles NW of Watford City)
Hwy 2 and Hwy 85 N
Williston, ND 58801

Sidney-Richland Airport (55 miles SW of Watford City)
540 Airport Rd.
Sidney, MT 59270

Dickinson Theodore Roosevelt Regional Airport (88 miles SE of Watford City)
11120 42nd St. SW
Dickinson, ND 58601

Minot International Airport (120 miles NE of Watford City)
25 Airport Rd
Minot, ND 58703
Delta Airlines-800-864-8331 United Airlines-800-824-6200

Rail Information

Amtrak   800-872-7245
*nearest service location from Watford City is Williston (50 miles NW) and Dickinson (88 miles SE). Operates daily between Portland, Seattle and Chicago. 

The Buzz

In Watford I got to go to my first National Park. I made some friends and we went to the badlands and saw things we never heard of before like jackrabbits and mule deer. In my opinion Watford is the best city ever!

~ Justice C Staton-Grade 5

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